Flusk Vault
[2.4] Latency Reports, ChatGPT, and Usability
A big usability upgrade with Flusk 2.4 to make the use of the platform better!
Special thanks to Jack Broadbent, Oliver Watts, Igor Racca and Nick Squires for their suggestions and contribution to this version of Flusk 🥳
Latency Reports
One of the most requested feature from our higher-plans: we have finally released the latency monitoring.
Get an overview of your app's response time to monitor the impact of some recurring workflows or user traffic.

Only available for Scale plans, activate it now from the Statistics tab of Flusk.
Forum Integration, ChatGPT and Experts
We know that bug from your app can be hard to understand and security issues hard to fix. We're always trying to find new ways of making this process easier, and here are some.
Forum Integration
From an bug or a security vulnerability on your app, our new post wizard will write a detailed forum post with all the available informations.
In a few seconds you can post your question on the Bubble Forum automatically and get help from the community 👥

For bugs/errors you can now ask our Flusk GPT to help you understand what the error means, where it comes from, and how to fix it.

We have dropped the hourly price of the expert intervention from 150$ to 50$ (depending on your plan) and we will not make any margin on this service anymore.
We hope to make fixing things more accessible with this significant price drop.
As our tool becomes more complex and as we onboard more beginners, it's crucial to make Flusk easier to use.
Manually refresh logs
Forcing the refresh of logs was a big paint point for most of you as it was very buggy because the tech behind this is quite complex.
We've totally redesigned it and it's now much more performant!

Faster tests
We've upgraded our servers to make security tests easiers!
Less errors
We're rolling out the first version of our AI to filter-out unnecessary errors/bugs on which you cannot act (for example Bubble errors,..)
This will only be slightly noticeable until we release the full AI model, but we need some extra data first.

Better sorting for security vulnerabilities
We've revamped the sorting rules for showing the security issues and it should now be much more relevant!
Deployment message in webhooks
You can now receive the message from your Bubble editor's deployment in your webhook or Slack channel.
Search in errors/bugs
You can now search for specific errors within the Error Explorer
Other improvements
- Improved 2FA deliverability
- You can now see the API workflow names in the WU stats
- We added seconds and milliseconds in error occurrences and the Log Explorer